Produkt zum Begriff Metrics:
Marketing Metrics
Your Definitive, Up-to-Date Guide to Marketing Metrics--Choosing Them, Implementing Them, Applying ThemThis award-winning guide will help you accurately quantify the performance of all your marketing investments, increase marketing ROI, and grow profits. Four renowned experts help you apply today's best practices for assessing everything from brand equity to social media, email performance, and rich media interaction.This updated edition shows how to measure costly sponsorships, explores links between marketing and financial metrics for current and aspiring C-suite decision-makers; presents better ways to measure omnichannel marketing activities; and includes a new section on accountability and standardization in marketing measurement. As in their best-selling previous editions, the authors present pros, cons, and practical guidance for every technique they cover. Measure promotions, advertising, distribution, customer perceptions, competitor power, margins, pricing, product portfolios, salesforces, and moreApply web, online, social, and mobile metrics more effectivelyBuild models to optimize planning and decision-makingAttribute purchase decisions when multiple channels interactUnderstand the links between search and distribution, and use new online distribution metricsEvaluate marketing's impact on a publicly traded firm's financial objectivesWhatever your marketing role, Marketing Metrics will help you choose the right metrics for everytask--and capture data that is valid, reliable, and actionable.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Security Metrics
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. <>The Definitive Guide to Quantifying, Classifying, and Measuring Enterprise IT Security Operations Security Metrics is the first comprehensive best-practice guide to defining, creating, and utilizing security metrics in the enterprise. Using sample charts, graphics, case studies, and war stories, Yankee Group Security Expert Andrew Jaquith demonstrates exactly how to establish effective metrics based on your organization’s unique requirements. You’ll discover how to quantify hard-to-measure security activities, compile and analyze all relevant data, identify strengths and weaknesses, set cost-effective priorities for improvement, and craft compelling messages for senior management. Security Metrics successfully bridges management’s quantitative viewpoint with the nuts-and-bolts approach typically taken by security professionals. It brings together expert solutions drawn from Jaquith’s extensive consulting work in the software, aerospace, and financial services industries, including new metrics presented nowhere else. You’ll learn how to: • Replace nonstop crisis response with a systematic approach to security improvement • Understand the differences between “good” and “bad” metrics • Measure coverage and control, vulnerability management, password quality, patch latency, benchmark scoring, and business-adjusted risk • Quantify the effectiveness of security acquisition, implementation, and other program activities • Organize, aggregate, and analyze your data to bring out key insights • Use visualization to understand and communicate security issues more clearly • Capture valuable data from firewalls and antivirus logs, third-party auditor reports, and other resources • Implement balanced scorecards that present compact, holistic views of organizational security effectiveness Whether you’re an engineer or consultant responsible for security and reporting to management–or an executive who needs better information for decision-making–Security Metrics is the resource you have been searching for. Andrew Jaquith, program manager for Yankee Group’s Security Solutions and Services Decision Service, advises enterprise clients on prioritizing and managing security resources. He also helps security vendors develop product, service, and go-to-market strategies for reaching enterprise customers. He co-founded @stake, Inc., a security consulting pioneer acquired by Symantec Corporation in 2004. His application security and metrics research has been featured in CIO, CSO, InformationWeek, IEEE Security and Privacy, and The Economist. Foreword Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1 Introduction: Escaping the Hamster Wheel of Pain Chapter 2 Defining Security Metrics Chapter 3 Diagnosing Problems and Measuring Technical Security Chapter 4 Measuring Program Effectiveness Chapter 5 Analysis Techniques Chapter 6 Visualization Chapter 7 Automating Metrics Calculations Chapter 8 Designing Security Scorecards Index
Preis: 51.35 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Key Marketing Metrics
Measure, manage and get the most out of your marketing.Key Marketing Metrics is the definitive guide to today's most valuable marketing metrics. In this thoroughly updated and significantly expanded book, you will understand the pros, the cons and the nuances of more than 50 of the most important metrics, and know exactly how to choose the right one for every challenge.With leading experts, discover how to build your reputation by:Using marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and triangulate to optimal solutionsApplying high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing to maximise the return on your investment and identify the best new opportunities for profitBuilding models to assist with planning to give you the best tools for decision-makingIn its third edition, this award-winning book now includes the latest web, online, social, and email metrics, plus new insights into measuring marketing ROI and brand equity.
Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance
Now updated with new techniques and even more practical insights, this is the definitive guide to today’s most valuable marketing metrics. Four leading marketing researchers help you choose the right metrics for every challenge, and use models and dashboards to translate numbers into real management insight. Marketing Metrics: The Manager’s Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Third Edition now contains: Important new coverage of intangible assets A rigorous and practical discussion of quantifying the value of information More detail on measuring brand equity A complete separate chapter on web, SEM, mobile, and "digital" metrics Practical linkages to Excel, showing how to use functions and Excel Solver to analyze marketing metrics An up-to-date survey of free metrics available from Google and elsewhere Expanded coverage of methodologies for quantifying marketing ROI The authors show how to use marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and "triangulate" to optimal solutions. You’ll discover high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing: promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors’ power; margins and pricing; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces, channels, and more. For every metric, the authors present real-world pros, cons, and tradeoffs — and help you understand what the numbers really mean. Last but not least, they show you how to build comprehensive models to support planning — and optimize every marketing decision you make. Marketing Metrics, Third Edition will be invaluable to all marketing executives, practitioners, analysts, consultants, and advanced students interested in quantifying marketing performance.
Preis: 25.67 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie beeinflusst die Optimierung von Keywords und Meta-Tags das Suchmaschinen-Ranking einer Webseite?
Die Optimierung von Keywords und Meta-Tags kann das Suchmaschinen-Ranking einer Webseite positiv beeinflussen, da Suchmaschinen diese Informationen verwenden, um den Inhalt und die Relevanz einer Seite zu bewerten. Durch die Verwendung relevanter Keywords in den Meta-Tags und im Inhalt der Webseite können Suchmaschinen die Seite besser verstehen und entsprechend einordnen. Eine gezielte Optimierung kann dazu führen, dass die Webseite in den Suchergebnissen höher platziert wird, was wiederum zu mehr Traffic und Sichtbarkeit führt. Allerdings sollte die Optimierung natürlich immer im Einklang mit den Richtlinien der Suchmaschinen erfolgen, um negative Auswirkungen zu vermeiden.
Wie funktioniert die Indexierung von Webseiten in einer Suchmaschine? Welche Rolle spielen Keywords und Meta-Tags bei der Optimierung von Inhalten für Suchmaschinen?
Die Indexierung von Webseiten in einer Suchmaschine erfolgt durch das Crawlen der Webseite durch Bots, die den Inhalt analysieren und in einem Index speichern. Keywords spielen eine wichtige Rolle, da sie anzeigen, worum es auf der Seite geht und helfen Suchmaschinen, die Relevanz der Seite zu bestimmen. Meta-Tags wie Title, Description und Keywords können ebenfalls die Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen verbessern, indem sie den Inhalt der Seite präzise beschreiben.
Wie beeinflussen Backlinks und Keywords das Ranking einer Webseite in Suchmaschinen?
Backlinks sind Links von anderen Webseiten, die auf deine Webseite verweisen und ihre Autorität erhöhen. Je mehr hochwertige Backlinks eine Webseite hat, desto besser ist ihr Ranking in Suchmaschinen. Keywords sind Wörter oder Phrasen, die auf einer Webseite verwendet werden und die Relevanz für bestimmte Suchanfragen erhöhen. Durch die strategische Platzierung von Keywords auf einer Webseite kann das Ranking in Suchmaschinen verbessert werden.
Wie beeinflusst die Optimierung von Keywords das Ranking einer Website in Suchmaschinen?
Die Optimierung von Keywords hilft Suchmaschinen dabei, den Inhalt einer Website besser zu verstehen und relevante Suchanfragen zu identifizieren. Durch die Verwendung relevanter Keywords kann das Ranking einer Website in den Suchergebnissen verbessert werden. Eine gezielte Keyword-Optimierung kann dazu führen, dass die Website in den Suchmaschinen höher platziert wird und somit mehr organischen Traffic generiert.
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The Definitive Guide to Quantifying, Classifying, and Measuring Enterprise IT Security Operations Security Metrics is the first comprehensive best-practice guide to defining, creating, and utilizing security metrics in the enterprise. Using sample charts, graphics, case studies, and war stories, Yankee Group Security Expert Andrew Jaquith demonstrates exactly how to establish effective metrics based on your organization’s unique requirements. You’ll discover how to quantify hard-to-measure security activities, compile and analyze all relevant data, identify strengths and weaknesses, set cost-effective priorities for improvement, and craft compelling messages for senior management. Security Metrics successfully bridges management’s quantitative viewpoint with the nuts-and-bolts approach typically taken by security professionals. It brings together expert solutions drawn from Jaquith’s extensive consulting work in the software, aerospace, and financial services industries, including new metrics presented nowhere else. You’ll learn how to: • Replace nonstop crisis response with a systematic approach to security improvement • Understand the differences between “good” and “bad” metrics • Measure coverage and control, vulnerability management, password quality, patch latency, benchmark scoring, and business-adjusted risk • Quantify the effectiveness of security acquisition, implementation, and other program activities • Organize, aggregate, and analyze your data to bring out key insights • Use visualization to understand and communicate security issues more clearly • Capture valuable data from firewalls and antivirus logs, third-party auditor reports, and other resources • Implement balanced scorecards that present compact, holistic views of organizational security effectiveness
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Marketing Metrics
Your Definitive, Up-to-Date Guide to Marketing MetricsChoosing Them, Implementing Them, Applying ThemThis award-winning guide will help you accurately quantify the performance of all your marketing investments, increase marketing ROI, and grow profits. Four renowned experts help you apply today's best practices for assessing everything from brand equity to social media, email performance, and rich media interaction.This updated edition shows how to measure costly sponsorships, explores links between marketing and financial metrics for current and aspiring C-suite decision-makers; presents better ways to measure omnichannel marketing activities; and includes a new section on accountability and standardization in marketing measurement. As in their best-selling previous editions, the authors present pros, cons, and practical guidance for every technique they cover. Measure promotions, advertising, distribution, customer perceptions, competitor power, margins, pricing, product portfolios, salesforces, and moreApply web, online, social, and mobile metrics more effectivelyBuild models to optimize planning and decision-makingAttribute purchase decisions when multiple channels interactUnderstand the links between search and distribution, and use new online distribution metricsEvaluate marketing's impact on a publicly traded firm's financial objectivesWhatever your marketing role, Marketing Metrics will help you choose the right metrics for everytaskand capture data that's valid, reliable, and actionable.
Preis: 37.44 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie beeinflusst die Optimierung für Suchmaschinen das Ranking einer Webseite?
Die Optimierung für Suchmaschinen verbessert die Sichtbarkeit einer Webseite in den Suchergebnissen. Durch die Verwendung relevanter Keywords und qualitativ hochwertiger Inhalte steigt das Ranking der Webseite. Zudem werden technische Aspekte wie Ladezeiten und mobile Optimierung berücksichtigt, um die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern und das Ranking zu erhöhen.
Wie beeinflusst die Verwendung relevanter Keywords das Ranking einer Webseite in Suchmaschinen?
Die Verwendung relevanter Keywords in den Inhalten einer Webseite verbessert deren Sichtbarkeit in Suchmaschinen. Suchmaschinen crawlen die Seite und bewerten sie anhand der Keywords, um sie in den Suchergebnissen zu platzieren. Eine strategische Platzierung und Häufigkeit von relevanten Keywords kann das Ranking einer Webseite deutlich verbessern.
Wie beeinflusst die Nutzung von Keywords das Ranking einer Webseite in Suchmaschinen?
Die Verwendung relevanter Keywords auf einer Webseite hilft Suchmaschinen dabei, den Inhalt der Seite zu verstehen und sie in den Suchergebnissen für entsprechende Suchanfragen anzuzeigen. Durch die Platzierung von Keywords in Titeln, Überschriften und Meta-Tags kann das Ranking einer Webseite verbessert werden. Jedoch sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass die Keywords natürlich und sinnvoll in den Text eingebunden sind, um eine übermäßige Keyword-Optimierung zu vermeiden.
Wie beeinflusst die Crawling-Geschwindigkeit die Indexierung und das Ranking einer Webseite in Suchmaschinen?
Die Crawling-Geschwindigkeit bestimmt, wie schnell Suchmaschinen neue Inhalte auf einer Webseite entdecken und indexieren können. Eine schnellere Crawling-Geschwindigkeit kann dazu führen, dass neue Inhalte schneller in den Suchergebnissen erscheinen. Ein langsames Crawling kann dazu führen, dass wichtige Inhalte nicht rechtzeitig indexiert werden und somit das Ranking der Webseite negativ beeinflussen.
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